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In 1962 the Jurado family set up the first xurreria in Barcelona, ​​​​and both established an office and a tradition for the family, which has passed from peers to children. Pelayo Jurado represents one of these generations, who at just 15 years old is going to start learning how to be, in addition, a great master teacher, the leader of the Xurreria Sant Andreu, opened in the Sant Andreu neighborhood in 2013.

They have passed at anys, and everything that is different, there are things that do not change… our products are as always, of quality.

Oli d'oliva verge, farina de blat and xurreres d'acer. What is possible is an artisanal workmanship to be able to taste the excellence and simplicity of our jobs, always seeking customer satisfaction, our main advertising weapon.

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